M5L7: Air Pollution
Air pollution
We shift to the next
culprit, that claims maximum lives in India. It is air pollution
Before going further,
let us quickly go through certain basics
Now you must have
heard about Temperature inversion
Inverse of 2/3 is 3/2
Inverse of 3/5 is 5/3
Thus, Numerator goes to bottom & denominator goes to the top. A similar
event happens during Temperature Inversion. In this case, the colder air goes
at the bottom & hot air stays at the top of it. This results in aggravating
both the both industrial and photochemical smog as the winds can travel either
horizontally or get pushed towards the ground
There are two types
1. Photochemical smog or Los Angeles-type smog or oxidizing smog
2. Industrial smog or classical smog or London-type smog or Sulfurous smog
or Reducing type smog
Los Angeles Smog
1. Photochemical Smog is formed due to combustion products that are released
from automobile and other instruments that release emissions through the
burning of fossil-fuel. This smog, creates a dingy, brownish haze
2. It occurs in hot & dry climates esp. on sunny days or at midday when
sunlight is most intense.
3. The primary pollutant in photochemical smog = NOx or VOC. Produces a host
of secondary pollutants that result from a series of complex chemical reactions
in the presence of UV.
4. Ozone is the most important of these, but carbon
monoxide and peroxyacetyl nitrates (PAN). Carbon monoxide leaches oxygen from
the bloodstream, and PAN is an eye irritant. Thus, the more intense the
Sunlight, the more noxious it feels.
London-type smog
1. This smog results from a high concentration of sulfur oxides in the air
and is caused by the use of sulfur-bearing fossil fuels, particularly coal.
2. It occurs in foggy, cool weather typical of that experienced in the
British Isles and the eastern seaboard of the United States.
3. This smog is most intense in the early morning
4. It casts a gray pallor over the areas it affects due to the presence of tar-laden
droplets, formed by combination of coal dust and moisture.
5. This smog also brings acid rain due to the high presence of Sulphur dioxide
in it.
The smog becomes
extremely hazardous during temperature inversion since the products of
combustion are brought down closer to the ground. Hence people risk inhaling
them in higher proportions, thereby putting themselves at risk. This is the hidden
cost of fossil fuels and is already covered in Module 1
Another source of
Particulate matter is cigarettes. In either way, both of them bioaccumulate in
the lungs, leading to emphysema.
The lungs contain
small pores, vital for exchanging impure air against pure air. When the pores
get blocked, a person risks suffering from cardiac arrest due to emphysema.
To resolve this
problem, engineers have come out with e-cigarettes. However, they are found to
be more harmful than paper cigarettes as they produce a greater number of
aerosols and free radicals.
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